Bridge of Deliverance (New Year's Poem)

Just yesterday a lost treasure was found
In a world where chaos reign supreme
It shines even though cloaked with sack of doom
Around it are weary and desperate vagabonds

Inside the sack, faith slips through the holes
Filling everyone with fortitude and hopes

Silver lining breaches the dark clouds of the past
Rain pours on thirsty yet fertile garden of dreams
Seeds of sanguinity begin to sprout and hatch
Gaps will be connected by the bridge of deliverance

Inside the sack, faith slips through the holes
Filling everyone with fortitude and hopes

Contemplate if you must but bury the doubts,
Shed that heavy loads, aspire for something new
Shred those frustrations and new beginnings start
Weave great expectation and it'll come true

For inside the sack, faith slips through the holes
Filling everyone with fortitude and hopes